
by TZZGames

We place importance on your personal information and observecompliance rate on information network use promotion andinformation protection We are.We will disclose your personal information policy as follows: It is being used in a manner and a manner, and it is necessaryto know what measures are taken to protect personal informationgive.Our Privacy Policy is subject to change of government laws andguidelines, Changes may be made in accordance with internalpolicies, and in the case of amendment, Publish to this page.
■ Personal information you collectItems: We do not collect personal information.
■ Collection and use of personal information: We do not collect personal information, and therefore do not usepersonal information.
■ Retention and use period of personal information: We do not hold any personal information.
■ Procedures and methods of destroying personal information: We do not collect personal information, so we do not need todestroy procedures and methods.
■ Providing personal information: We do not collect personal information.
■ Rights of users and legal representatives and how to exercisethem: We do not collect personal information.
■ Matters concerning the installation, operation and rejectionof the automatic collection device of personal information:We do not collect personal information.
■ Civil Service on Personal Information: In order to protect your personal information and to handle anycomplaints about your personal information, And the relevantdepartment and person in charge of personal information management.Customer support team email:

If there is any addition, deletion or modification of the contentsdue to changes in statute, policy or security technology, From 7 daysprior to the enforcement date, we will notify you through this page.

This Privacy Policy Effective January 14, 2018.
- Privacy policy enforcement date: February 1, 2018